
*Japanese news are not listed on this page.


New publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems:
An interlaboratory study of TEX86 and BIT analysis of sediments, extracts, and standard mixtures. [Journal]
New publication in Ecology:
Carbon storage reservoirs in watersheds support stream food webs via periphyton production. [Journal]
New publication in PLoS One:
Trophic Hierarchies Illuminated via Amino Acid Isotopic Analysis. [Journal]
New publication in World Archaeology:
Nitrogen isotopic composition of collagen amino acids as an indicator of aquatic resource consumption: insights from Mesolithic and Epipalaeolithic archaeological sites in France. [Journal]
New publication in Analytical Science:
Amino Acid Precursors from a Simulated Lower Atmosphere of Titan: Experiments of Cosmic Ray Energy Source with 13C- and 18O-Stable Isotope Probing Mass Spectrometry. [Journal]
New publication in Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres:
Hydrogen Cyanide Production due to Mid-Size Impacts in a Redox-Neutral N2-Rich Atmosphere. [Journal]
New publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters:
Redox conditions in the atmosphere and shallow-marine environments during the first Huronian deglaciation: Insights from Os isotopes and redox-sensitive elements. [Journal]
New publication in Systematic and Applied Microbiology:
Diversity of sulfur-cycle prokaryotes in freshwater lake sediments investigated using aprA as the functional marker gene. [Journal]
New publication in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta:
The rate of oxygen isotope exchange between nitrate and water. [Journal]
New publication in Organic Geochemistry:
Detection of coenzyme F430 in deep sea sediments: A key molecule for biological methanogenesis. [Journal]
New publication in Journal of Archaeological Science:
Evaluation of carnivory in inland Jomon hunter–gatherers based on nitrogen isotopic compositions of individual amino acids in bone collagen. [Journal]
New publication in Chemical Geology:
Distribution and isotopic signatures of archaeal lipid biomarkers associated with gas hydrate occurrences on the northern Cascadia Margin. [Journal]
New publication in Ecological Research:
Possible ideas on carbon and nitrogen trophic fractionation of food chains: a new aspect of food-chain stable isotope analysis in Lake Biwa, Lake Baikal, and the Mongolian grasslands. [Journal]
New publication in Marine Biology:
A preliminary estimate of the trophic position of the deep-water ram’s horn squid Spirula spirula based on the nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids. [Journal]