和田 英太郎 【わだえいたろう】1939年生まれ。
神奈川県 出身
専門分野: 生物地球化学、同位体生態学
前職: 総合地球環境学研究所研究部教授
受賞歴等: 日本海洋学会岡田賞(昭和48年)
所属学会: 日本生態学会・日本地球化学会・日本陸水学会

1. Miyake, Y. and Wada, E. (1967) The abundance ratio of 15N/14N in marine environments. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan 9(1): 37-53.
2. Wada, E. and Hattori, A. (1978) Nitrogen isotope effects in the assimilation of inorganic nitrogenous compounds by marine diatoms. Geomicrobiology Journal 1(1): 85-101.
3. Yoshida, N., Hattori, A., Saino, T., Matsuo, S., and Wada, E. (1984) 15N/14N ratio of dissolved N2O in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Nature 307(5950): 442-444.
4. Wada, E., Terazaki, M., Kabaya, Y., and Nemoto, T. (1986) 15N and 13C abundances in the Antarctic Ocean with emphasis on the biogeochemical structure of the food web. Deep-Sea Research 34: 829-841.
5. Mizutani, H. and Wada, E. (1988) Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in seabird rookeries and their ecological implicaitons. Ecology 69(2): 340-349.
6. Yoshida, N., Morimoto, N., Hirano, M., Koike, I., Matsuo, S., Wada, E., Saino, T., and Hattori, A. (1989) Nitrification rates and 15N abundances of N2O and NO3- in the western North Pacific. Nature 342(6252): 895-897.
7. Wada, E., Mizutani, H., and Minagawa, M. (1991) The use of stable isotopes for food web analysis. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition 30(3): 361-371.
8. Wada, E., Kabaya, Y., and Kurihara, Y. (1993) Stable isotopic structure of aquatic ecosystems. J. Biosci. 18(4): 483-499.
9. Wada, E. and Yoshioka, T. (1996) Isotope biogeochemistry of several aquatic ecosystems. Geochemistry International 33(5): 129-149.
10. Ogawa, O.N., Koitabasshi, T., Oda, H., Nakamura, T., Ohkouchi, N. and Wada, E. (2001) Fluctuations of nitrogen isotope ratio of gobiid fish (Isaza) specimens and sediments in Lake Biwa, Japan, during the 20th century. Limnology and Oceanography 46(5): 1228-1236.

1. Wada, E. (1980) Nitrogen isotope fractionation and its significance in biogeochemical processes occurring in marine environments. In: Isotope Marine Chemistry(ed. Goldberg et al.) pp.211-234.
2. 和田英太郎 (1988) 化学構造から見た食物連鎖. In: 河口-沿岸域の生態学とエコテクノロジー. 栗原康 (編) 東海大出版会. pp. 77-84.
3. Wada, E. and Hattori, A. (1991) Nitrogen in the sea: forms, abundances & rate processes. CRC Press, Florida, U.S.A. 208pp.
4. Wada, E., Ando, T., and Kumazawa, K. (1995) Biodiversity of stable isotope ratios. In: Stable Isotopes in the Biosphere (eds Wada, E., Yoneyama, T., Minagawa, M., Ando, T., and Fry, B.D.). Kyoto University Press. pp. 7-14.
5. Wada, E. and Ueda, S. (1996) Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope ratios of CH4 and N2O in soil ecosystems. In: Mass Spectrometry of Soils (eds Boutton, T. W. and Yamasaki, S.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. pp. 177-204.
6. 和田英太郎,大河内直彦(1996)生態システム. In: 岩波講座・地球惑星科学2地球システム科学.pp.145-184.
7. 和田英太郎(1998)生物多様性研究の将来. In: 岩波講座「地球環境学」第5巻「生物多様性とその保全」. 井上民二, 和田英太郎(編)岩波書店 pp. 231-248.
8. 和田英太郎(1999)環境調和型の水・物質循環と時間. In: 岩波講座「地球環境学」第4巻「水・物質循環系の変化」. 和田英太郎, 安成哲三(編)岩波書店 pp. 327-343.
9. 和田英太郎(1999)エコシステム認識の現代像. In: 岩波講座「科学/技術と人間」第5巻「科学/技術のニュー・フロンティア(2)」. 岩波書店 pp. 127-157.
10. 和田英太郎(2002)環境学入門3「地球生態学」. 岩波書店. 171pp.