[ 査読付き論文 ]
- 2022 -
- Manalo, J. A., J. Matsumoto, H. G. Takahashi, M. Q. Villafuerte II, L. M. P. Olaguera, G. Ren, and T. A. Cinco, 2022: The effect of urbanization on temperature indices in the Philippines. Int. J. Climatol., 42, 850-867. [abstract]
- Moteki, Q., 2022: Validation of satellite-based sea surface temperature products against in situ observations off the western coast of Sumatra. Sci. Rep., 12, 92. [abstract]
- Sato, K., T. Kinoshita, Y. Matsushita, and M. Kohma, 2022: A new three-dimensional residual flow theory and its application to Brewer-Dobson circulation in the middle and upper stratosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 429-448. [abstract]
- Seela, B. K., J. Janapati, P.-L. Lin, C.-H. Lan, R. Shirooka, H. Hashiguchi, and K. K. Reddy, 2022: Raindrop size distribution characteristics of the western Pacific tropical cyclones measured in the Palau Islands. Remote Sens., 14, 3: 470. [abstract]
- Yokoi, S., and M. Katsumata, 2022: Observational study on boundary-layer moist static energy budget over the tropical western Pacific and its variability associated with boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 79, 781-792. [abstract]
- 2021 -
- Abdillah, M. R., Y. Kanno, T. Iwasaki, and J. Matsumoto, 2021: Cold surge pathways in East Asia and their tropical impacts. J. Climate, 34, 157-170. [abstract]
- Geng, B., and R. Shirooka, 2021: Fine structure of an active monsoon trough observed in the western North Pacific. SOLA, 17, 81-87. [abstract]
- Guo, X., N. Zhao, K. Kikuchi, T. Nasuno, M. Nakano, and H. Annamalai, 2021: Atmospheric rivers over the Indo-Pacific and its associations with boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation. J. Climate, 34, 9711-9728. [abstract]
- Hilario M. R. A., L. M. Olaguera, G. T. Narisma, and J. Matsumoto, 2021: Diurnal characteristics of summer precipitation over Luzon Island, Philippines. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci. 57, 573-585. [abstract]
- Kubota, H., J. Matsumoto, M. Zaiki, T. Tsukahara,T. Mikami, R. Allan, C. Wilkinson, S. Wilkinson, K. Wood, and M. Mollan,2021: Tropical cyclones since the mid-19th century over the westernnorth Pacific. Climatic Change, 164, 29. [article]
- Kuwata, M., T. Miyakawa, S. Yokoi, M. F. Khan, and M. T. Latif, 2021: The Madden-Julian oscillation modulates the air quality in the Maritime Continent. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2021EA001708. [abstract]
- Olaguera, L. M. P., M. B. Caballar, J. C. De Mata, L. A. T. Dagami, J. Matsumoto, and H. Kubota, 2021: Synoptic conditions and potential causes of the extreme heavy rainfall event of January 2009 over Mindanao Island, Philippines. Nat. Hazards, 109, 2601-2620. [abstract]
- Olaguera, L. M. P., J. Matsumoto, J. M. B. Dado, and G. T. T. Narisma, 2021: Non-tropical cyclone related winter heavy rainfall events over the Philippines: Climatology and mechanisms. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 17-33. [article]
- Olaguera, L. M. P., J. Matsumoto, H. Kubota, E. O. Cayanan, and F. D. Hilario, 2021: A climatological analysis of the monsoon break following the summer monsoon onset over Luzon Island, Philippines. Int. J. Climatol., 41, 2100-2117. [abstract]
- Rahman, M. A., D. S. Nugroho, M. D. Yamanaka, M. Kawasaki, O. Kozan, M. Ohashi, H. Hashiguchi, and S. Mori, 2021: Weather radar detection of planetary boundary layer and smoke layer top of peatland fire in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Sci. Rep., 11, 367. [article]
- Seiki, A., Y. Kosaka, and S. Yokoi, 2021: Relationship between the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations and the Pacific-Japan pattern and its interannual modulation. SOLA, 17, 177-183. [abstract]
- Seiki, A., S. Yokoi, and M. Katsumata, 2021: The impact of diurnal precipitation over Sumatra Island, Indonesia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 113-137. [abstract]
- Wang, B.,L. Wu, N. Zhao, T. Liu, and N. Hirose, 2021: Summer wind effects on coastal upwelling in the southwestern Yellow Sea. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9, 1201. [abstract]
- Wu, P., Y. Fukutomi, and K. Kikuchi, 2021: The characteristics of the equatorial waves caused a record torrential rain event over western Sumatra. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 893, 012015. [abstract]
- Yoneyama, K., M. Fujita, A. Seiki, R. Shirooka, S. Yokoi, E. O. Cayanan, C. O. Iglesia, and O. C. Cabrera, 2021: Evaluation of LMS6 and RS41 radiosonde humidity data obtained during YMC-Boreal Summer Monsoon study in 2018 and 2020. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 1115-1125. [abstract]
- Zhao, N., A. Manda, X. Guo, K. Kikuchi, T. Nasuno, M. Nakano, Y. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2021: A Lagrangian view of moisture transport related to the heavy rainfall of July 2020 in Japan: Importance of the moistening over the subtropical regions. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091441. [abstract]
- 能勢正仁,村山泰啓,西岡未知,石井守,今井弘二,木下武也,小山幸伸, 相良毅, 2021: ジオスペース科学分野におけるデータ出版とデータ引用の現状およびそのプラクティス.デジタルプラクティス,46.トランザクション 2(2). [論文]
- 2020 -
- Fujita, M., T. Fukuda, I. Ueki, Q. Moteki, T. Ushiyama, and K. Yoneyama, 2020: Experimental observations of precipitable water vapor over the open ocean collected by autonomous surface vehicles for real-time monitoring applications. SOLA. 16A, 19-24. [abstract]
- Jensen, E. J., L. L. Pan, S. Honomichl, G. S. Diskin, M. Kramer, N. Spelten, G. Gunther, D. F. Hurst, M. Fujiwara, H. Vomel, H. B. Selkirk, J. Suzuki, M. J. Schwartz, and J. B. Smith, 2020: Assessment of observational evidence for direct convective hydration of the lower stratosphere. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,125, e2020JD032793. [abstract]
- Kawase, H., T. Yamazaki, S. Sugimoto, T. Sasai, R. Ito, T. Hamada, M. Kuribayashi, M. Fujita, A. Murata, M. Nosaka, and H. Sasaki, 2020: Changes in extremely heavy and light snow-cover winters due to global warming over high mountainous areas in central Japan. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 7:10. [article]
- Kawazoe, S., M. Fujita, S. Sugimoto, Y. Okada, and S. Watanabe, 2020: Projected changes of extremely cool summer days over northeastern Japan simulated by 20 km-mesh large ensemble experiment. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 93, 1305-1319. [abstract]
- Matsumoto, J., L. M. Olaguera, D. Nguyen-Le, H. Kubota, and M. Q. Villafuerte II, 2020: Climatological seasonal changes of wind and rainfall in the Philippines. Int. J. Climatol., 40, 4843-4857. [abstract]
- Nakagawa, Y., Y. Onoue, S. Kawahara, F. Araki, K. Koyamada, D. Matsuoka, Y. Ishikawa, M. Fujita, S. Sugimoto, Y. Okada, S. Kawazoe, S. Watanabe, M. Ishii, R. Mizuta, A. Murata, and H. Kawase, 2020: Development of a system for efficient content-based retrieval to analyze large volumes of climate data. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 7:9. [article]
- Olaguera, L. M., and J. Matsumoto, 2020: A climatological study of the wet and dry conditions in the pre-summer monsoon season of the Philippines. Int. J. Climatol., 40, 4203-4217. [abstract]
- Pham-Thanh, H., T. Ngo-Duc, J. Matsumoto, T. Phan-Van, and H. Vo-Van, 2020: Rainfall trends in Vietnam and their associations with tropical cyclones during 1979-2019. SOLA, 16, 169-174. [abstract]
- Yokoi, S., 2020: Diurnal variation of surface heat fluxes off the west coast of Sumatra Island as revealed by in situ observation. SOLA, 16A, 1-5. [abstract]
- Yoneyama, K., and C. Zhang, 2020: Years of the Maritime Continent. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL087182. [abstract]
- Zhao, N., and T. Nasuno, 2020: How does the air-sea coupling frequency affect convection during the MJO passage? J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 12, e2020MS002058. [abstract]
- 2019 -
- Cronin, M. F., C. L. Gentemann, J. B. Edson, I. Ueki, M. Bourassa, S. Brown, C. A. Clayson, C. Fairall, J. T. Farrar, S. T. Gille, S. Gulev, S. Josey, S. Kato, M. Katsumata, E. C. Kent, M. Krug, P. J. Minnett, R. Parfitt, R. T. Pinker, P. W. Stackhouse, S. Swart, H. Tomita, D. Vandemark, R. A. Weller, K. Yoneyama, L. Yu, and D. Zhang, 2019: Air-sea fluxes with a focus on heat and momentum. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:430. [abstract]
- Harada, Y., K. Sato, T. Kinoshita, R. Yasui, T. Hirooka, and H. Naoe, 2019: Diagnostics of a WN2-type major sudden stratospheric warming event in February 2018 using a new three-dimensional wave activity flux. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124, 6120-6142. [abstract]
- Kinoshita, T., K. Sato, K. Ishijima, M. Takigawa, and Y. Yamashita, 2019: Formulation of three-dimensional quasi-residual mean flow balanced with diabatic heating rate and potential vorticity flux. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 851-863. [abstract]
- Kinoshita, T., R. Shirooka, J. Suzuki, S.-Y. Ogino, S. Iwasaki, K. Yoneyama, U. Haryoko, D. Ardiansyah, and D. Alyudin, 2019: A study of gravity wave activities based on intensive radiosonde observations at Bengkulu during YMC-Sumatra 2017. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 303, 012011. [abstract]
- Kinoshita, T., K. Takaya, and T. Iwasaki, 2019: On the three dimensional mass-weighted isentropic time mean equation for Rossby waves. SOLA, 15 193-197. [abstract]
- Moteki, Q., 2019: Role of Typhoon Prapiroon (Typhoon No. 7) on the formation process of the Baiu front inducing heavy rain in July 2018 in western Japan. SOLA, 15A, 37-42. [abstract]
- Nodzu, M. I., J. Matsumoto, L. Trinh-Tuan, and T. Ngo-Duc, 2019: Precipitation estimation performance by Global Satellite Mapping and its dependence on wind over northern Vietnam. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 6: 58, doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0296-8. [article]
- Sasai, T., H. Kawase, Y. Kanno, J. Yamaguchi, S. Sugimoto, T. Yamazaki, H. Sasaki, M. Fujita, and T. Iwasaki, 2019: Future projection of extreme heavy snowfall events with a 5-km large ensemble regional climate simulation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124, 13975-13990. [abstract]
- Soares, S. M., K. J. Richards, F. O. Bryan, and K. Yoneyama, 2019: On the seasonal cycle of the tropical south Indian Ocean. Part I: Mixed layer heat and salt budgets. J. Climate, 32, 1951-1972. [abstract]
- Takasuka, D., M. Satoh, and S. Yokoi, 2019: Observational evidence of Mixed Rossby‐gravity waves as a driving force for the MJO convective initiation and propagation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 5546-5555. [abstract]
- ten Doeschate, A., G. Sutherland, H. Bellenger, S. Landwehr, L. Esters, and B. Ward, 2019: Upper ocean response to rain observed from a vertical profiler. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 124, 3664-3681. [abstract]
- Thompson, A. M., H. G. Smit, J. C. Witte, R. M. Stauffer, B. J. Johnson, G. Morris, P. von der Gathen, R. Van Malderen, J. Davies, A. Piters, M. Allaart, F. Posny, R. Kivi, P. Cullis, N. T. Hoang Anh, E. Corrales, T. Machinini, F. R. da Silva, G. Paiman, K. Thiong’o, Z. Zainal, G. B. Brothers, K. R. Wolff, T. Nakano, R. Stübi, G. Romanens, G. J. Coetzee, J. A. Diaz, S. Mitro, M. Mohamad, and S.-Y. Ogino, 2019: Ozonesonde quality assurance: The JOSIE-SHADOZ (2017) Experience. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 155-171. [abstract]
- Trinh-Tuan L., J. Matsumoto, T. Ngo-Duc, M. I. Nodzu, and T. Inoue, 2019: Evaluation of satellite precipitation products over central Vietnam. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 6:54, doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0297-7. [article]
- Trinh-Tuan, L., J. Matsumoto, F. T. Tangang, L.Juneng, F. Cruz, G. Narisma, J. Santisirisomboon, T. Phan-Van, D.Gunawan, E. Aldrian, and T. Ngo-Duc, 2019: Application of quantile mapping bias correction for mid-future precipitation projections over Vietnam. SOLA, 15, 1-6. [abstract]
- Wu, P., D. Ardiansyah, S. Mori, and K. Yoneyama, 2019: The effect of an active phase of the Madden-Julian oscillation on surface winds over the western coast of Sumatra Island. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 303, 012009. [abstract]
- Yasunaga, K., S. Yokoi, K. Inoue, and B. E. Mapes, 2019: Space-time spectral analysis of moist static energy budget equation. J. Climate, 32, 501-529. [abstract]
- Yokoi, S., S. Mori, F. Syamsudin, U. Haryoko, and B. Geng, 2019: Environmental conditions for nighttime offshore-ward migration of precipitation area as revealed by in-situ observation off Sumatra Island. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3391-3407. [abstract]
- 2018 -
- Akasaka, I., H. Kubota, J. Matsumoto, E. O. Cayanan, R. G. de Guzman, and F. D. Hilario, 2018: Seasonal march patterns of the summer rainy season in the Philippines and their long-term variability since the late 20th century. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 20. doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0178-5. [article]
- Fukushima, A., H. Kanamori, and J. Matsumoto, 2018: Regionality of long-term trends and interannual variation of seasonal precipitation over India. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 6, 20, doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0255-4. [article]
- Hasebe, F., S. Aoki, S. Morimoto, Y. Inai, T. Nakazawa, S. Sugawara, C. Ikeda, H. Honda, H. Yamazaki, Halimurrahman, N. Ko mala, F. Putri, A. Budiyono, M . Soedjarwo, S. Ishidoya, S. Toyoda, T. Shibata, M. Hayashi, N. Eguchi, N. Nishi, M. Fujiwara, S.-Y. Ogino, M. Shiotani, and T. Sugidachi, 2018: Coordinated Upper-troposphere-to-stratosphere Balloon Experiment in Biak (CUBE/Biak). Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 1213-1230. [abstract]
- Katsumata, M., S. Mori, J.-I. Hamada, M. Hattori, F. Syamsudin, and M. D. Yamanaka, 2018: Diurnal cycle over a coastal area of the maritime continent as derived by special networked soundings over Jakarta during HARIMAU2010. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 64, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0216-3. [article]
- Mori, S., J.-I. Hamada, P.-M. Wu, M. Hattori, M. Katsumata, N. Endo, K. Ichiyanagi, H. Hashiguchi, A. A. Arbain, R. Sulistyowati, S. Lestari, F. Syamsudin, T. Manik, M. D. Yamanaka, 2018: Meridional march of diurnal precipitation over Jakarta, Indonesia, observed with a C-band Doppler radar: An overview of the HARIMAU2010 campaign. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 47, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0202-9. [article]
- Moteki, Q., M. Katsumata, K. Yoneyama, K. Ando, and T. Hasegawa, 2018: Drastic thickening of the barrier layer off the western coast of Sumatra due to the Madden Julian oscillation passage during the Pre-Years of the Maritime Continent campaign. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 35, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0190-9. [article]
- Nodzu, M. I., S.-Y. Ogino, and J. Matsumoto, 2018: Full access development and decay processes of dual inversion layers in winter over the northwest coast of the South China Sea. J. Climate, 31, 1245-1266. [abstract]
- Ogino, S.-Y., P. Wu, M. Hattori, N. Endo, H. Kubota, T. Inoue, and J. Matsumoto, 2018: Cold surge event observed by the radiosonde observation from the research vessel "Hakuho-maru" over the Philippine Sea in December 2012. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 9, doi:10.1186/s40645-017-0163-4. [article]
- Olaguera, L. M., J. Matsumoto, H. Kubota, T. Inoue, E. O. Cayanan, and F. D. Hilario, 2018a: Abrupt climate shift in the mature rainy season of the Philippines in the mid-1990s. Atmosphere, 9, 350, doi:10.3390/atmos9090350. [abstract]
- Olaguera, L. M., J. Matsumoto, H. Kubota, T. Inoue, E. O. Cayanan, and F. D. Hilario, 2018b: Interdecadal shifts in the winter monsoon rainfall of the Philippines. Atmosphere, 9, 464, doi:10.3390/atmos9120464. [abstract]
- Seiki, A., Y. N. Takayabu, T. Hasegawa, and K. Yoneyama, 2018: Lack of westerly wind bursts in unmaterialized El Niño years. J. Climate, 31, 593-612. [abstract]
- Suzuki, K., K. Nakagawa, T. Kawano, S. Mori, M. Katsumata, F. Syamsduin, and K. Yoneyama, 2018: Videosonde-observed graupel in different rain systems during pre-YMC project. SOLA, 14, 148-152. [abstract]
- Wu, P., S. Mori, and F. Syamsudin, 2018: Land-sea surface air temperature contrast on the western coast of Sumatra Island during an active phase of the Madden-Julian oscillation. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 4, doi:10.1186/s40645-017-0160-7. [article]
- Yamanaka, M. D., S.-Y. Ogino, P. Wu, J.-I. Hamada, S. Mori, J. Matsumoto, and F. Syamsudin, 2018: Maritime continent coastlines controlling Earth's climate. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 5, 21, doi:10.1186/s40645-018-0174-9. [article]
- 2017 -
- Bellenger, H., K. Drushka, W. Asher, G. Reverdin, M. Katsumata, and M. Watanabe, 2017: Extension of the prognostic model of sea surface temperature to rain-induced cool and fresh lenses. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean, 122, 484-507. [abstract]
- Bellenger, H., R. Wilson, J. L. Davison, J.-P. Duvel, W. Xu, F. Lott, M. Katsumata, 2017: Tropospheric turbulence over the tropical open-ocean: Role of gravity waves. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 1249-1271. [abstract]
- Chen, T.-C., J.-D. Tsay, J. Matsumoto, and J. Alpert, 2017a: Forecast advisory for the cold-season heavy rainfall/flood event developed from multiple interactions of the cold surge vortex with cold surge flows in the South China Sea. Wea. Forecasting, 32, 797-819. [abstract]
- Chen, T.-C., J.-D. Tsay, J. Matsumoto, and J. Alpert, 2017b: Impact of the summer monsoon westerlies on the South China Sea tropical cyclone genesis in May. Wea. Forecasting, 32, 925-947. [abstract]
- Fathrio, I., S. Iizuka, A. Manda, Y.-M. Kodama, S. Ishida, Q. Moteki, H. Yamada, and Y. Tachibana, 2017: Assessment of western Indian Ocean SST bias of CMIP5 models. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 3123-3240. [abstract]
- Hattori, M., A. Yamazaki, S.-Y. Ogino, P. Wu, J. Matsumoto, 2017: Impact of the radiosonde observations of cold surge over the Philippines Sea on the tropical region. SOLA, 13, 19-24. [abstract]
- Huang, G., X. Liu, K. Chance, K. Yang, P. K. Bhartia, Z. Cai, M. Allaart, B. Calpini, G. J. R. Coetzee, E. Cuevas-Agull, M. Cupeiro, H. De Backer, M. K. Dubey, H. E. Fuelberg. M. Fujiwara, S. Godin-Beekmann, T. J. Hall, B. Johnson, E. Joseph, R. Kivi, B. Kois, N. Komala, G. Konig-Langlo, G. Laneve, T. Leblanc, M. Marchand, K. R. Minschwaner, G. Morris, M. J. Newchurch, S.-Y. Ogino, N. Ohkawara, A. J. M. Piters, F. Posny, R. Querel, R. Scheele, F. J. Schmidlin, R. C. Schnell, O. Schrems, H. Selkirk, M. Shiotani, P. Skrivankova, R. Stubi, G. Taha, D. W. Tarasick, A. M. Thompson, V. Thouret, M. Tully, R. van Malderen, G. Vaughan, H. Vomel, P. von der Gathen, J. C. Witte, and M. Yela, 2017: Validation of 10-year SAO OMI Ozone Profile (PROFOZ) Product Using Ozonesonde Observations. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10, 2455-2475. [abstract]
- Kawai, Y., Q. Moteki, A. Yoshida-Kuwano, T. Enomoto, A. Manda, and H. Nakamura, 2017: Impact propagation of radiosonde data assimilation over the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension: Case study on the early summer (Baiu) in 2012. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 95, 71-90. [abstract]
- Kubota, H., R. Shirooka, J. Matsumoto, E. O. Cayanan, and F. D. Hilario, 2017: Tropical cyclone influence on the long-term variability of Philippine summer monsoon onset. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., 4, 27, doi:10.1186/s40645-017-0138-5. [article]
- Matsumoto, J., F. Fujibe, and H. Takahashi, 2017: Urban climate in the Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan. J. Environ. Sci., 59, 54-62. [abstract]
- Ogino, S.-Y., M. D. Yamanaka, S. Mori, and J. Matsumoto, 2017: Tropical coastal dehydrator in global atmospheric water circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44. 11636-11643. [abstract]
- Seela, B. K., J. Janapati, P.-L. Lin, K. Krishna Reddy, R. Shirooka, and P. Wang, 2017: A comparison study of summer season raindrop size distribution between Palau and Taiwan, two Islands in Western Pacific. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 11787-11805. [abstract]
- Suwarman, R., K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, M. D. Yamanaka, F. Syamsudin, and H. A. Belgaman, 2017: El Niño Southern Oscillation signature in atmospheric water isotopes over maritime continent during wet season. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 95, 49-66. [abstract]
- Thompson, A. M., J. C. Witte, C. Sterling, A. Jordan, B. J. Johnson, S. J. Oltmans, M. Fujiwara, H. Vomel, M. Allaart, A. Piters, G. J. R. Coetzee, F. Posny, E. Corrales, J. A. Diaz, C. Felix, N. Komala, N. Lai, H. T. Ahn Nguyen, M. Maata, F. Mani, Z. Zainal, S.-Y. Ogino, F. Paredes, T. L. B. Penha, F. R. da Silva, S. Sallons-Mitro, H. B. Selkirk, F. J. Schmidlin, R. Stubi, and K. Thiongo, 2017: First Reprocessing of Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) Ozone Profiles (1998-2016): 2. Comparisons with satellites and ground-based instruments. 122, 13000-13025. [abstract]
- Witte, J. C., A. M. Thompson, H. G. J. Smit, M. Fujiwara, F. Posny, G. J. R. Coetzee, E. T. Northam, B. J. Johnson, C. W. Sterling, M. Mohammed, S.-Y. Ogino, A. Jordan, and F. R. da Silva, 2017: First reprocessing of Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) profile records (1998-2015): 1. Methodology and evaluation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 6611-6636. [abstract]
- Wu, P., D. Ardiansyah, S. Yokoi, S. Mori, F. Syamsudin, and K. Yoneyama, 2017: Why torrential rain occurs on the western coast of Sumatra Island at the leading edge of the MJO westerly wind bursts. SOLA, 13, 36-40. [abstract]
- Yanase, A., K. Yasunaga, and H. Masunaga, 2017: Relationship between the direction of diurnal rainfall migration and the ambient wind over the southern Sumatra Island. Earth and Space Science, 4, 117-127. [abstract]
- Yokoi, S., S. Mori, M. Katsumata, B. Geng, K. Yasunaga, F. Syamsudin, Nurhayati, and K. Yoneyama, 2017: Diurnal cycle of precipitation observed in the western coastal area of Sumatra Island: Sffshore preconditioning by gravity waves. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 3745-3761. [abstract]
- 吉岡大秋,筆保弘徳,榎本剛,勝俣昌己,山崎哲,横井覚,辻野智紀,舛田あゆみ,城岡竜一,2017: PALAU2013で観測された台風第1304号の発生予報実験における初期値依存性の解析.天気, 64, 873-885. [論文]
- 2016 -
- Belgaman, H. A., K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, and R. Suwarman, 2016: Observational research on stable isotopes in precipitation over Indonesian Maritime Continent. J. Jpn. Assoc. Hydrol. Sci., 46, 7-28. [abstract]
- Belgaman, H. A., K. Ichiyanagi, M. Tanoue, R. Suwarman, K. Yoshimura, S. Mori, N. Kurita, M. D. Yamanaka, and F. Syamsudin, 2016: Intraseasonal variability of δ18O of precipitation over the Indonesian Maritime Continent related to the Madden-Julian oscillation. SOLA, 12, 192-197. [abstract]
- Hattori, M., J. Matsumoto, S.-Y. Ogino, T. Enomoto, and T. Miyoshi, 2016: The impact of additional radiosonde observations on the analysis of disturbances in the South China Sea during VPREX2010. SOLA, 12, 75-79. [abstract]
- Horii, T., I. Ueki, K. Ando, T. Hasegawa, K. Mizuno, and A. Seiki, 2016: Impact of intraseasonal salinity variations on sea surface temperature in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. J. Oceanogr., 72, 313-326. [abstract]
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[ その他 ]
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